
Welcome to the illustrations gallery. To appreciate the wide range of illustration styles possible, I have split the gallery into three sections-simple, medium, and complex. A brief description of each style is below.


Simple Gallery

The illustrations in this gallery are characterized by their strong lines and bold colors. They provide a visual solution that is both easy to understand and quick to grasp. These illustrations can be used in a variety of ways, such as explaining the steps in a process, or creating a memorable icon.

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Medium Gallery

The illustrations here combine soft colors with a more traditional hand-drawn approach. They deliver a solution that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but coherent as well. These images are ideal for explaining a challenging concept to a lay audience.

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Complex Gallery

The illustrations in this final category introduce another level of intricacy. They blend elements such as light, texture, and form to produce images that are engaging, elaborate, and detailed. These images can be used in everything from marketing to education for a more sophisticated audience.

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